
Thursday, June 07, 2007

I Have A Headache

Moving sucks.

I don't think anyone particularly enjoys this activity, even though the end result is often well worth the hassle.

I can't stand chaos and disorganization. I can't stand leaving tasks undone. But in our case, we have no choice.

The guy doing our floors is over a week late, and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. He promised us he would be done by moving day, and now, a week later, he is still not finished. There were a couple of days where he just simply didn't show up - knowing full well we were on a tight schedule and needed to have things done. I suppose this is what you get when you hire a family member to do the work. Never again.

Our living room furniture is in a pile in the middle of the floor. A pile of our stuff is out on the balcony in boxes. There is dust everwhere, all over the main floor of the house. I can't even clean it, as the contractors will simply create more mess as they continue their work.

Granted, we did some great work in unpacking the upstairs and setting up our room and the kids' rooms. I busted my butt organizing the kitchen, and we set up the dining room table, so we can actually cook now. But the rest of the downstairs is still in chaos, and it's driving me crazy.

And the floors are not the only problem.

When we bought the house, there were all of two cable TV outlets; one in the room we plan to use as the dining room, and a non-functional one in the master bedroom. The Comcast technician gave all sorts of excuses why he couldn't perform the job, so we hired a private contractor.

That well-intentioned contractor, in an attempt to drill from the laundry room to the living room wall, accidentally drilled a hole in our brand-new wood floor.

He made it right by installing light fixtures in all three bedrooms for the cost of materials, but that was a stress we really did not need.

Home Depot "forgot" to put in the special-size sink order for the kids' bathroom, delaying it for a good two weeks.

And our computer desks, the last piece needed for our bedroom to organize everything once and for all, arrived broken. Both of them. Shattered by a careless courier, as plainly seen from the damage to the box.

Add this to the fact that my back has been absolutely killing me for the past 6 weeks, necessitating doctor's orders not to play softball or take karate, and I'm ready to climb the walls in frustration and pent-up energy.

Going to the gym for light workouts has helped. But I want my house, damnit.

The floor guy had better be done tonight. I'll be seriously pissed if he isn't.


Blogger Jo said...

Open your hands to the sky and breathe baby!

All shall be well... :-)

June 8, 2007 at 7:16:00 PM PDT  

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