
Friday, October 26, 2007


As it is now the softball off-season, I have decided to fill the empty weeknight with a sport I always have enjoyed: volleyball.

I don't profess to be very good at it. I can overhand serve, bump, set and spike, however I am not tall enough to block. Playing with other, more experienced people, I am often the one that they ask to switch to the backline. So, I primarily play just for fun.

The community center near my old apartment has a very good drop-in program. Participants pay 5 dollars, and pick-up games are arranged with whoever decides to show up. I had done this previous to my hamstring injury, but had not returned since. This past Friday, I decided to make an appearance.

When I was playing previously, the court closest to the door was the one for beginners. The one farthest from the door was advanced players, and the one in the middle was for doubles. Knowing my own limitations, I habitually remained on the beginner court. I was not, and am still not, ready to promote to the advanced court.

On Friday, I was warming up with a fellow software engineer on the court closest to the door. As we were doing so, one of the advanced players I recognized from my stint a year and a half ago approached me. He said,

"The far court is for beginners. I don't mean to hurt your feelings, but I don't want you to get hurt."

Gee. Thanks.

I suppose there was no real nice way to say to me that I suck. He may not have meant to hurt my feelings, but he did nonetheless.

I used to have a goal of finally being able to play on the advanced court. But after that one interaction, I no longer have the desire. I'd much rather play with those just out to have fun, than be judged.


Blogger TimH said...

Hey Slinks... don't let the losers get you down! Michelle Sawatzky was 5'6" when she played Volleyball for Canada in the 1996 Summer Olympics. Okay, you aren't going to be in the Olympics, but I wouldn't rule out the 'advanced' court at the community center. :-)

October 29, 2007 at 6:31:00 AM PDT  

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